Expert Educational Consultant/Professional Development

Welcome to Divine Illumination Agency (DIA). This Agency is focused on providing high-quality service through educational consulting, professional development, coaching, and advocacy work. Our approach to education is to ensure that everyone in the educational process which includes parents, administrators, and students can thrive and have a gratifying experience.

Divine Illumination is a premiere professional company servicing a variety of clients, from families, to school, to non-profit organizations. We offer a variety of services that can work for corporation large or small. From one-on-ones with families to professional development training for organizations, Divine Illumination Agency will equip you with the knowledge for your educational journey.
With an assortment of offerings to choose from, we are sure you will be happy working with us. Look around our website and if you have any questions or comments please feel free to contract us

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There is much more to come!
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